General Orthopedics

Trusted pediatric orthopedic specialists provide comprehensive evaluations in clinics close to home

Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital delivers the highest level of pediatric orthopedic services. Whether for a recent injury or ongoing condition, we provide trusted care that helps more patients enjoy the active, pain-free childhood they deserve.

Your child benefits from renowned pediatric orthopedic experts and an entire staff dedicated to children’s needs. Your family interacts with friendly, caring professionals at every turn. Our reputation for excellent outcomes helps more children get lasting symptom relief and live an exceptional quality of life.

Orthopedic Evaluation: What to Expect

Our orthopedic services start with a comprehensive evaluation, which may include: 


We ask about your child’s symptoms, including when they started and whether they are worsening. We also ask questions about your child’s general health history, such as ongoing medical conditions or previous surgeries. Efforts also include getting to know your child as an individual, including the activities they enjoy.



X-rays are typically available on-site. Some of our locations also have MRI and in-office ultrasound capabilities. We use pediatric-specific methods to capture detailed images. Our orthopedists have special training in interpreting the results. We work closely with radiologists specializing in musculoskeletal conditions when additional input is necessary.

Physical Exam

Depending on the symptoms and potential diagnosis, your child’s physical exam may include: 

  • Walking, standing or moving limbs in a specific way
  • Gently pressing on the affected area to assess circulation and swelling
  • Listening for unusual sounds, like popping, during joint movement
  • Positioning limbs to evaluate posture and alignment

Next Steps

We provide treatment recommendations tailored to your child’s needs. Care may involve rest or monitoring for minor injuries or chronic conditions that progress slowly. Many problems get better with nonsurgical treatments, such as physical therapy. If an orthopedic procedure is necessary, we explain why and how it can help your child. 


Learn more about our pediatric orthopedic services

954-265-6300 Request an Appointment

A National Leader in In Children's Orthopedics

Our commitment to care excellence has earned our center prestigious recognition from U.S. News & World Report.

Pediatric Orthopedic Second Opinions

Patients and referring doctors from across South Florida rely on us for second opinions. Our experts confirm a diagnosis and give personalized treatment recommendations. Services are available to all families, regardless of whether they seek care with us.

Second opinions are helpful when:

  • Your child has a congenital condition 
  • Treatment is not progressing as expected
  • You want more information about the risks and benefits of specific therapies

Pediatric Orthopedic Evaluation and Treatment: Why Choose Us?

Your child receives orthopedic services from some of the nation’s foremost pediatric experts — many with decades of experience. All specialists complete advanced training through fellowships and use the latest techniques. We deliver precise therapies that heal stubborn symptoms and give hope to children with chronic conditions. Meet our team.

Highlights of our program include: 

  • Pediatric focus: Doctor’s visits can be scary to children, which is why we take extra steps to put them at ease. This includes age-appropriate methods for communicating and performing orthopedic evaluations. Treatment recommendations reflect concerns unique to children, such as their ongoing growth and development.
  • Specialized care: We regularly care for children with complex spinal disorders, hip instability, limb length discrepancies and brachial plexus injuries. We use advanced methods, some of which are only available in top programs like ours, to diagnose and treat them. Explore our pediatric orthopedic specialty areas.
  • Efficiency: Our experience treating a high volume of patients helps us quickly get to the source of symptoms. We often make a diagnosis and provide treatment recommendations on the first visit. View clinic locations.
  • Family-centered approach: Your peace of mind is important, so we provide detailed information about orthopedic evaluation findings. Our team explains recommendations in ways that are easier to understand. We cover what to expect and how to comfort your child during treatment.